SENIGALLIA (ITALY) - JUNE, 15 - 16, 2019
The energy element in the therapeutic process
Further Elaborations and developmnents of Wilhelm Reich’s energy model
Whilhem Reich was a psychiatrist, psychoanalyst, scientist and researcher. He dedicated his life to the study of the energetic functioning in living organisms and in the universe. He discovered an energy operating in the development of the human being and in other natural phenomena that he called orgone. The Reichian model of the cosmic Orgone argues that it is universal and present throughout nature as a vital force that shapes every aspect of life itself.
The basic properties of energy remain unchanged even in distant and seemingly unrelated phenomena: galaxies, meteorological systems, humans, unicellular organisms, sexuality, neurosis. All phenomena are united by energetic functioning operation.
Despite the great natural diversity, there are common principles at the base of both the living and the non-living.
From this perspective the whole reality is the product of a deeper and more fundamental process.
Is it possible to refer to a holistic model that incorporates human (physical, emotional, psychic and spiritual) development within the notion of orgone as a creative life force?
What is the importance of the energy element in the therapeutic process?
What are the ways in which the organism organises itself in energy terms?
This international conference intends to give space to new questions, presenting different research and clinical experiences, using the energy paradigm to understand and mobilize processes of change in the therapeutic setting: in the relationship, in the physical work and in verbal communication.
Psychological Association's dictionary of Psychology comments that “ ...the term's use in psychology is extremely wide ranging and lack's uniformity.” Even to the point that some hold there is no self, just a fluid reorganizing of character traits within the person depending on the specific situation.
No matter how it is defined, there is still the discussion as to where the self exists, if it exists at all. Typically it is considered cortical centric, but recent challenges to that theory place the self within the brainstem. Others speak of a body centric self. So it is not particularly a problem that an energy concept within psychotherapy has not been scientifically proven. Neither has transference, projective identification, introjection etc.
What is important is that in any process oriented therapy, an energy model is necessary. Something has to move within the person for change to occur. Something has to be the mover. As a result, most psychotherapies use the term energy, or a euphemism for it, without dealing directly with the issue itself. Read more
The conference is structured on two days:
Day 1 (Saturday 15 June): Will Davis (France), Heike Buhl (Germany), Lilly Davis (France), Margherita Tosi (Italy), Tina Lindemann (Austria), Manfred Dlouhy (Germany).
Day 2 (Sunday, June 16): There will be 4 experiential workshops conducted by W. Davis, H. Bulh, T. Lindemann with practical demonstration of their therapeutic techniques.
Languages: English - Italian
1. Will Davis - Body Psychotherapist (France)
Using an Energetic Model in Psychotherapy
The most interesting aspect of using Reich's energy model in psychotherapy is how to “translate” the functioning of the orgone energy into an understanding of patient's bodies and behaviors: emotions, thoughts, beliefs, movements, physical disorders etc.
I will explain how these two seemingly diverse themes are intricately related and using case studies, I will demonstrate how we can apply an energetic model with patient's psychic and somatic problems.
2. Lilly Davis - Body Psychotherapist (France)
Energetic concepts in verbal work
Reich postulated that psyche and soma are not just in relationship with each other, but related to an underlying energetic process. This energetic matrix allows in the somatic realm the construction of a body and in the psychic realm the constitution of a mind. They are functionally identical. Together they form the self.
In verbal work it is important to listen to the narrative, the “story” the patient tells, nevertheless in order to achieve real change we need to work with the dynamic - the energetic matrix - within the living process.
3. Heike Buhl - MD (Germany)
Reich’s Energy Model – Base for an Advanced Medicine
Heike Buhl will explore Wilhelm Reich’s energy concepts; pulsation, streamings, charge/discharge and the relationship between pulsation and autonomic nervous system(ANS).Through a presentation of case studies HB will show how various patterns of tense muscles and connective tissue form blockages to the flow of energy, thereby favouring the development of diseases. Through an energetic understanding it is possible to stimulate the flow of life energy and support recovery. A distinct view of Orgone Medicine will be presented: three-layer model, basic energetic types, high energetic charge, autonomous movements, stimulation of meridians, influence on ANS.
4. Margherita Tosi - Psychotherapist (Italy)
Melt the armor to build the structure - The minimum stimulus and the psychotherapy with children with relational problems. A pedagogy of freedom in the construction of borders
In recent decades a false concept of non-authoritarianism has led to generations of children raised in the illusion of omnipotence and generations of parents lost in impotence, certainly not to the "Children of the Future" that W. Reich spoke of.
The bioenergetics of Eva Reich is one of the tools to redefine separation, body boundaries and relationships with others.
5. Tina Lindemann - MD (Austria)
The Orgone Energy Accumulator and its use in medical and therapeutical treatment and prevention
Discussing case histories, I will share my experiences using the ORAC and Orgone blanket with patients with psychological, psychosomatic issues and organic diseases.
I will speak about the possible gains and risks of an Orgone treatment and the important points one should know about the interactions between the ORAC and the environment. I will also show, how everybody can include at least the Orgone blanket into one’s own practice.
6. Manfred Dlouhy - MD, Psychotherapist (Germany)
Is there a difference between "making love" and "loving"?
Energetic bodywork needs orientation/differentiation of the psychological ego states in order to enhance vitality.
I would like to differentiate between the amelioration of life-energy-states and a revitalization of life-energy and complete the work on physical states by working with psychic states. Since Reich's description of Character Analysis (1933) and the work with psychic resistance = character armor, many more realizations have been made about the development of the ego, the self ,the personality and the importance of bonding.
1. Will Davis
Experiences of energetic, physical and verbal work, in body psychotherapy
We will form a smaller “therapy group” of volunteers within the larger group where I will give demonstrations of our verbal and physical techniques. As I work with, I will talk to the group about what I am focusing on, what I see, what I sense and what I hear. Then there will time for some discussion about what happened in the small group.
2. Heike Buhl
Experiences of energy flow in the body
Through various exercises the participants will experience the energetic flow in their body. The approach of Orgone Medicine, especially the work with high energy levels, will be demonstrated on volunteers. If time permits there will be a more detailed discussion on patterns of armouring in specific psychosomatic diseases.
3. Tina Lindemann
Practical applications of orgonic energy
Tina will intensify the themes from the Saturday lecture and will answer further questions. Participants will have the chance to try out the Orgone Blanket with a discussion about indications and experiences. If there is time and interest, Tina will also show the kind of bodywork she practices with one or two of the participants.
Ermanno Bergami
Salvatore Pira
Giovanna Anconetani
Edoardo Ballanti
Marella Tarini
Nicoletta Torbidoni
Maria Sangiorgi
Pietro Rinaldo Fanesi
Claudia Carloni
Simona Ginelli
Lucia Dragonetti
Press release
Mar, 26 2019
It is with great sadness that we announce the sudden passing away of Dr Richard Blasband.
We want first of all to express will express our heartfelt condolences and during the Conference we will dedicate a space to commemorate Dr Blasband as psychiatrist and rigorous researcher, who has helped to expand the energy model and the research on consciousness.
Dr Blasband place will be taken at the Conference by Dr. Manfred Dlouhy, physician and psychotherapist. He has spent decades cultivating a deep knowledge of the Reichian Energetic Model.
Organizing Committee