SPEAKERS (Biography)
Will Davis
Will is an Americanan body-oriented psychotherapist with 45 years’ experience practicing and training in America, Japan & Europe. Will has Developed Functional Analysis, which focuses on the instroke of the pulsation of the life force,the plasmatic origins of early disturbance, the energetic qualities of connective tissue and its role in character development, the endo self, the gentle, self-oriented release technique of Points&Positions and a unique synthesis of verbal therapy. Member of editorial boards of two journals, of the Italian Society of Psychologists and Psychiatrists and the EABP. He teaches as guest trainer at AETOS and other training programs in Europe. He lives with his wife Lilly Davis in the south of France.
Lilly Davis
Lilly A. Davis is a body-oriented psychotherapist. Since 1984 she works in her private practice in different European countries. She worked as a trainer and supervisor for Charles Kelley at The Radix Institute in Ojai California and now for the Institute of Functional Analysis. Since 2000 she works in the South of France in her private practice and teaches a DU at the University of Montpellier, where she lives with her husband and brought up their two children. Member of the EABP and of “La Federation Francaise des Psychothérapeutes et Psychanalystes”.
Heike Buhl
Heike is a Medical Doctor. After completing her medical studies, she trained in various methods of Reichian therapy, amongst them Orgone Medicine (Heiko Lassek) and Functional Analysis (Will Davis). Heike furthered her training to include Spiritual Healing and Mindfulness.In 1987 she co-founded the” Wilhelm Reich Society” and continues to be a board member. From 1984 until 2018 she worked in her “Praxis für Energetische Medizin” in Berlin. Heike has extensive experience in the treatment of neurotic and somatic diseases, combining her medical background with an energetic approach.
She has lectured at many international events and she is featured in specialist publications on Energetic Medicine. She is also the author of “Life energy Medicine” and “Energy” a book written with Jürgen Fischer. Heike currently lives in Mallorca, Spain.
Margherita Tosi
Margherita is a bioenergetic psychotherapist, who later moved from A. Lowen’s Bioenergetics to Eva Reich’s Gentle Bioenergetics. She has been working with adult and children as a psychotherapist for more than 40 years, first in public service and now in private, individually and in groups. She is also a trainer, recognized by the Silja Wendelstadt pupil of Eva Reich, of Gentle Bioenergetics and Bio-Emotional First Aid.
Tina Lindemann
Tina was born and raised in Berlin. She completed her medical degree at Freie Universität in 2001.
Tina had her first contact with an Accumulator as a small child and was very impressed. This lead her to train in Orgone Therapy/Vegetotherapy. The training began in 1994 with Heiko Lassek, MD and paralleled her medical studies.
She has been a full time Orgone/Vegetotherapist since 2001. Tina moved to Vienna in 2006 and has been living and working there ever since. She works as a body psychotherapist, using ORAC/Orgone blanket, with clients who have psychological as well as physical issues.
Manfred Dlouhy
Manfred Dlouhy è un medico, specializzato in medicina psicoterapica. Si è formato in vegeto-terapia con lo psichiatra Walter Hoppe a Monaco. Ha poi una formazione supplementare in varie terapie corporee : Hakomi, Respirazione olotropica, agopuntura, medicina regolativa, ecc. Ha lavorato per 16 anni come medico e psicoterapeuta nella clinica per la medicina psicosomatica di Bad Grönenbach e per 10 anni nella clinica è stato a capo del dipartimento di medicina e terapie naturali. Dal 1966 ha lavorato nel suo studio privato come clinico, supervisore e formatore. Ha formato medici in rimedi naturali e ha condotto numerosi corsi di psicoterapia corporea e terapie respiratorie. Ha insegnato e tenuto seminari per gli ultimi 24 anni in Germania e Svizzera sulla medicina integrativa e
energetica, su Wilhelm Reich e sull'energia vitale. È membro della International Wilhelm Reich Society, di cui è stato presidente per 4 anni.